"repositories": [{
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://packages.pyrocms.com"
Add this Satis repository to your composer.json
Display content within collapsible accordions.
An addon dropdown field type.
Addon information and management.
Securely expose Streams data to an extensible public API.
An Authorize.net AIM gateway extension for the Payments module.
An Authy multi-factor authenticator.
Bitbucket API authorization and integration.
Manage sections of content.
An on/off switch style field type.
A button block.
A checkboxes field type.
A colorpicker field type.
A powerful commenting system.
Addon configuration management for the Streams Platform.
A simple contact form plugin.
A basic content filter for the comments module.
A country dropdown field type.
A system dashboard and report manager.
A date and time picker field type.
A decimal number field type.
The default user authenticator for the Users module.
The default page handler for the Pages module.
Embed Disqus comments.
A powerful commenting system.
A Dropbox adapter for the Files module.
A code editor field type powered by Ace.
An email input field type.
An emoji utility for the Streams Platform.
An encrypted value input field type.
A Facebook authentication provider for the Social module.
Display frequently asked questions.
A file upload field type.
A multiple files upload field type.
Powerful asset management made easy.
Easily build and manage custom drop-in forms.
Powerful online discussion forums made simple.
A geocoding field type powered by Google Maps.
Github API authorization and integration.
A GitHub project source for the documentation module.
A github authentication provider for the Social module.
Gitlab API authorization and integration.
A Google authentication provider for the Social module.
A flexible and easy knowledge base.
A plugin that provides numerous helpful PHP functions.
Arbitrary HTML code.
A freestanding HTML widget for the Dashboard module.
An icon picker field type.
An image gallery.
Easily manage custom include scripts.
An integer input field type.
Restrict control panel access by IP.
A language dropdown field type.
A list of links.
A local project source for the documentation module.
A local file storage adapter for the Files module.
A markdown editor field type.
A markdown content block.
A multiple relationship field type.
Powerful navigation management made easy.
A page link type for the Navigation module.
Create pages, generate navigation, manage content, and build websites faster than ever.
Include a partial.
Manage snippets of structured content to use anywhere.
Payments processing and gateway management.
A polymorphic relationship field type.
A POST submission content filter.
A versatile articles and posts manager.
Display archive links for posts.
System preferences management for the Streams Platform.
A private file storage adapter.
Add user reactions to your content.
Display recent tweets.
Manage redirects from one URL or domain to another.
A related entry dropdown field type.
A repeating data structure field type.
A simple robots.txt generator.
A route link type for the Navigation module.
Display an RSS feed.
An Amazon S3 adapter for the Files module.
A MySQL based multilingual Scout driver with multi-model search support.
A dropdown field type.
System settings management for the Streams Platform.
A dynamic sitemap generator extension.
A range slider field type.
A slug formatted string field type.
A social integration utility for the Streams Platform.
A social share buttons block.
Process and analyze web requests against a global threat database.